Sponsorship Information
Since 2009, the Active 20-30 Club #50 of Santa Rosa has hosted the Santa Rosa Red White & BOOM! 4th of July fireworks show and fund raiser, averaging 10,000 attendees each year!
This year’s event will have over 15 different food vendors, and will feature live music by Wonderbread 5, The Dylan Black Project and Mckenna Faith. This is a unique opportunity to advertise your business, products and services to of an average of 10,000 people at our event--as well as the community at large--while helping to change the lives of needy children in our community.
All proceeds of this event will be donated to the Active 20-30 Club #50’s Youth Benevolent Fund (YBF). Over the past 14 years, the YBF has funded close to $1 million dollars to help change the lives of local underprivileged children.
- Radio advertisements on KZST
- Listed on all print materials
- Most prominent logo placement on large stage banners
- Mentions from the stage and live KZST broadcast
- Logo prominently shown on all pages of event website
- Optional booth space at the event
- 35 VIP and 35 general admission tickets
- Radio advertisements on KZST
- Listed on all print materials
- Prominent logo placement on large stage banners
- Mentions from the stage
- Logo shown on all pages of event website
- Optional booth space at the event
- 25 VIP and 25 general admission tickets
- Listed on all print materials
- Listed on event website
- Logo placement on large stage banners
- Mentions from the stage
- Logo shown on sponsor section of event website
- 15 VIP and 15 general admission tickets
- Logo placement on banners
- Small company logo on website (sponsors section)
- 5 VIP and 10 general admission tickets
- Logo placement on banners
- Small company logo on website (sponsors section)
- 2 VIP and 4 general admission tickets
Presenting Sponsor ($15,000 donation)
- Listed on all print materials
- Listed on the event website
- Radio advertisements on KZST will indicate “Brought to you by” the Presenting Sponsor (and the Active 20-30 Club of Santa Rosa)
- Receive the most prominent company logo placement on sponsor recognition banners at the event
- Mentions from the stage and live broadcast throughout the event
- Company logo (large) included in sponsor section of event website and link to your company website
- Option for a 10’ X 10’ information booth space at the event
- 35 VIP area and 35 general admission tickets
Patriot Level Sponsor ($10,000 donation)
- Listed on all print materials
- Listed on the event website
- Radio advertisements on KZST will mention the Patriot Sponsor
- Receive the prominent company logo placement on sponsor recognition banners at the event
- Mentions from the stage and throughout the event
- Company logo (large) included in sponsor section of event website and link to your company website
- Option for a 10’ X 10’ information booth space at the event
- 25 VIP area and 25 general admission tickets
Eagle Level Sponsor ($5,000 donation)
- Listed on all print materials
- Event website will mention or contain the Eagle Level Sponsor's logo
- Receive company logo placement on sponsor recognition banners at the event
- Mentions from the stage and throughout the event
- Company logo (medium) included in sponsor section of event website and link to your company website
- 15 VIP area and 15 general admission tickets
BOOM! Level Sponsor ($2,500 donation)
- Receive company logo placement on sponsor recognition banners at the event
- Company logo (small) included in sponsor section of event website and link to your company website
- 5 VIP area and 10 general admission tickets
Sparkler Level Sponsor ($1,000 donation)
- Receive company logo placement on sponsor recognition banners at the event
- Company logo (small) included in sponsor section of event website and link to your company website
- 2 VIP area and 4 general admission tickets
Sponsorship Benefits:
As a recognized 501(c)(3) organization (IRS determination letter available upon request), this event offers all sponsors the benefit of qualifying for a tax-deductible charitable contribution, and we will provide you with a receipt for the funds you contribute. (You should also check with your tax advisor to see if your sponsorship qualifies as an advertising expense).
Getting your company’s name, products and services in front of an average of 10,000 attendees may benefit you even more. With our Corporate Partnership sponsorship (see below), we can create a marketing partnership in which we offer a series of different marketing opportunities that will provide publicity for your organization.

Sonoma County Fairgrounds
1350 Bennett Valley Road
Santa Rosa, California 95404
Presented by the Active 20-30
Club of Santa Rosa #50